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Netfork for Impact
NetFork is an outcome of an Erasmus+ supported partnership withing project “NetFork for Impact” during which three organisations from Latvia, Italy and Greece came together to explore the opportunities food might pose for solving societal challenges.
Erasmus+ / 01.05.2022 - 31.08.2023
About project
Ensure a sustainable foundation for NetFork that will aim at exploring, developing and implementing novel methodologies and concepts into youth work, particularly around the topic of food as a catalyst for change in society.
explore the concepts and define what does it mean "food as a method"
use the gained knowledge to build a sustainable base for a network that might work with the topic in the long run
use the project to gain the interest of surrounding stakeholders too
Target groups
NGOs working in the field of youth
youth workers, facilitators, youth leaders, activists and all kinds of educators working with and for the young people
Secondary target group: NGOs in general. Subsequently - youth and society in general.
Project results
Research report (ENG)
"Relatable, Creative and Barrier-breaking: the Power of Food in Facilitating Activities for Social Impact"
Video interviews
With organizations and individuals that use food a tool in their daily work for social impact
Website and blog
Online conference
As Food As It Gets: Unlocking the Potential of Food-Related Facilitation Methods in Youth Work
Resources for finding out about ways to use food for social impact in youth work
This publication has been prepared within NetFork for Impact project No.2021-2-LV02-KA210-YOU-000050601. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
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