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Microlearning for Body Liberation [ONGOING]
Microlearning for Body Liberation
In this project, we aim to initiate a broader discussion about weight stigma and discrimination based on body weight or size through microlearning principles. We will promote awareness on these issues and foster networking opportunities for organizations to combat body shaming, fatphobia, hate speech, and aesthetic violence.
Erasmus+ / 01.09.2024 - 31.10.2025
About project
To foster awareness and grow inclusive practices towards all body sizes and types by improving the competencies and providing educational tools for youth workers.
Explore and develop/prototype microlearning tools that help raise awareness about the harms and effects of weight stigma among youth, employing the approach of microlearning across the project's activities.
Equip youth workers with awareness and tools that will help them tackle topics around body inclusion in their target audiences.
Equip youth organizations with awareness about sensitivities and particular practices to make youth work in Europe more inclusive for people living in different bodies, especially for bodies of different sizes.
Develop a comprehensive, sustainable Open Educational Resource (OER) that allows informing and gathering youth organizations and other stakeholders about the most recent research, educational resources, organizations and other relevant aspects around topics of body inclusion, body liberation, weight stigma, body shaming, and other.
Develop and implement a comprehensive communications campaign across all Europe with the aim to generate broader awareness and initiate discussion about the topics of this project.
Target groups
NGOs working in the field of youth
youth workers, facilitators, youth leaders, activists and all kinds of educators working with and for the young people
Secondary target group: NGOs in general. Subsequently - youth and society in general.
Project results
Methodology manual
Manual for work with body liberation among youth using microlearning methodology
Educational content
A content for education about body liberation available to broad audience free of charge
In-person events
Events for presenting and introducing the created outcomes in project countries
A sustainable hub for Body Liberation movement in Europe and the results of projects
This publication has been prepared within an Erasmus+ funded project Microlearning for Body Liberation, contract No. 2024-1-LV02-KA210-YOU-000247374. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The Agency For International Programs For Youth in Latvia (JSPA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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Account no. for donations: LV88HABA0551059940165
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